11 Thoughtful & Frugal DIY Gift Ideas When You’re Stressed About Spending

11 Thoughtful & Frugal DIY Gift Ideas When You’re Stressed About Spending

November 10, 2019 0 By Stefanie Addis

Ok before you think you have to use tons of craft supplies from the craft store for these gift ideas- NOPE!

I’m not a crafty person, so I’m not going to pretend it’s easy and just tell you to do something I can’t do.

 The majority of what you will see below involves putting something in a picture frame or printing something from your computer.

Don’t go broke or get yourself further in debt just to buy someone a present.  Yes, we tend to go overboard financially during the holidays- but you don’t have to!

Here’s how you can give “frugally” but also thoughtfully so that the gift is meaningful to the recipient. And- because they are thoughtful and have meaning- you will stand out from all of the gift cards they will get.

Photo Gift Ideas

1. Print out photos. Go old school and have a photo from the huge collection in your phone PRINTED – yes printed -so you can actually touch it- and put it in a nice frame. 

It’s really simple to go to Walgreens online,  upload your picture, place your order, and then go pick it up when it’s ready. 

If the recipient has a pet- you better BELIEVE they would love a framed pic of their furry family member.  You still have time to take a random pic of their pet or one of them with their pet and they won’t suspect anything.

frugal gift idea to make. dog with owner in frame


2. Gone to any plays or concerts with a loved one? Frame the tickets along with a photo you took of you together at the event.  What a great, framed memory for them!

You can find great frames at places like Home Goods, TJ Maxx, and Marshalls.  They are always at an awesome price and they have such a fun variety. Even thrift stores or dollar-type stores have great options.

Framed Gift Ideas

3. Gift them memories. Type up several one-sentence, fond memories you have of one of your loved one.  Use a pretty font and nice paper- and frame it. My sister and I did that for our little brother one year, and he still has it hanging in his office.  

It can be thoughtful- fun memories of when you were younger that bond you.  It would be even better if you included a photo in there too- that would make it extra special!  Now they have a framed memory forever.


4. Frame an inspirational, funny or motivating quote.  You can type it up yourself with a really pretty font and colors.  

I use Canva to make mine- it’s free and user-friendly. 

frugal gift idea create. quote in frame


Print it out on nice paper- or send it to Staples/Office Depot so they can print it out on nice paper with their ink.  Then, get an affordable frame (see the pattern here- frames-frames-frames) and put it in the frame. 



   5. Repurpose beautiful gift cards you have received.  Rather than toss them when the season is over, put it in a pretty frame.  If you don’t happen to have any- buy a card that you think is pretty- and frame it. So easy!  

holiday diy gift


6. Frame it. You can also cut a piece of a pretty gift bag or wrapping paper ( I always see awesome ones at Homegoods/TJ Maxx) and place it in a frame.  Then put a nice picture of you and the recipient (or a photo of them or their family) and put that on top so the gift bag/wrapping paper shows from behind.  


Other easy gift ideas

7. Make a planner/journal for someone that likes planners or that you know wants to be more organized/planned.  

There are so many awesome bloggers out there that provide FREE, beautiful printables for daily/weekly/monthly planners. 

One of my faves is shiningmom.com 

Print them and three hole punch them.  Then, get a pretty binder to put them in and voila- you just made them a planner!  

Extra bonus points if you print out a free 10 minute journal printable that Christie Zimmer offers on her site.  

She has a large variety to choose from- and so many of them are free!


8. Go green with a houseplant.  
You can get planters at the dollar type stores and decorate it! You can paint a smiley face, hearts, flowers anything you want. 

Then just get a little plant like aloe or jade – and put it in the pot.    

Every home needs some real greenery- it cleans the air and just makes the room happier. 

You can even buy a little rosemary or basil plant and pot it- if you have a cook in the family that would appreciate it.  Nothing’s better for cooking than fresh herbs you take right off of a live plant.


9. Have a coffee or hot cocoa lover?  You can buy a cute mug- again from Home Goods/TJ Maxx or a dollar-type store.  Then place a bag of coffee or cocoa in the mug and put a pretty bow on it.  


10. Candle fan? Get a glass jar or container at the dollar store, add some dollar store pebbles or stones and put a pretty dollar store candle in it. 

Since you can find all of these items at the dollar-type stores, make a few of these gifts so they look nicer in their home. Extra bonus points if you wrap either some pretty ribbon or twine around the middle to add some flair.  


11. Treat them to a meal. If you’re financially stretched because you have several gifts to buy at the same time, here’s an idea: Print out a menu to their favorite restaurant, roll it up like a scroll and tie a ribbon around it. 

Then- tell them that you are taking them to dinner at a later date so you can enjoy some time together. 

That way- you don’t have to come up with the funds for the meal right away.  You can manage to get another paycheck in so you can pay for it later.

If you’re close with your parents or siblings- they would really appreciate being taken out for a nice meal and quality time with you.

Another meal options would be to make a homemade meal for them. You can taste the love in food-you can’t go wrong with preparing a special meal for them. 

Remember- keep your spending to a minimum  

It can be easy to get carried away and spend too much.

You don’t have to go out and buy super expensive planters or frames.  The point is to give gifts they will like without going broke or putting yourself further in debt doing it.  

Sometimes it’s the small, thoughtful gifts that are loved the most. Plus, they are very cost-efficient for the giver when times are tight.


Do you have a frugal and thoughtful gift idea you can share with others?  If so, please tell us in the comments below-we would love more ideas!


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